Gema Cocis - Clinical Hypnotherapist

+44 (0)7456017789

Online Session Settings

Due to the current crisis all session are currently being run online.

If you prefer to have an online session rather than a face to face session and in the comfort of your home or office please follow the instructions below. This is just as effect as face to face sessions and therefor the price of the sessions are the same.    

The only requirements for an online session are a computer/ tablet with  broadband Internet connection and a comfortable and undisturbed space.



Computer/ tablet (not a mobile phone due to being disrupted by calls) which must have:

Session preparation

Before the actual booked session, if practical and necessary,  we will arrange a practice run (free of charge) to ensure the connection is up and running smoothly. This will be advisable if you haven't used Zoom before.


If you decide to go with Zoom, Gema will send you an invitation to a meeting link to your email. You will need to click on the link 10 minutes before the start of the meeting and this will walk you through installing the software, and leave you ready and waiting for Gema to join you.

The session itself

You must ensure that you are in a comfortable, quite and undisturbed place. Gema may terminate the session if she feels that the room is not appropriate for the session.

Gema will join you with Zoom at the designated time and your video session will begin.

You need to arrange yourself so that you are visible on the video camera and Gema can monitor you properly. The computer/ tablet must be on a stable surface and not on your body due to movement that may occur.
The hypnosis session itself will be recorded, unless you object and do not wish to be recorded. This is done so it can be sent to you if you wish to re-listen to the session. The conversion before or after will not be included unless you request this.

© Gema Cocis 2020